Depression - Heal Yourself Naturally

Do You have a loved one suffering the symptoms of Depression?

Are you becoming stressed, tense, worried or family relations have deteriorated, or dysfunction is occurring?

If so, this book can provide you with the latest research to help you HEAL and improve your Quality of Life!

Healing Depression Naturally

The Power of Sunlight

Toxic Workplace - Depression

Depression - Heal Yourself Naturally

Brief Book Synopsis

Stevie White Self Help Author had strong intentions for this book ‘Depression - Heal Yourself Naturally’ so he wanted to consider the latest global evidential research being conducted by leading psychiatrists, neuroscientists and mental health subject experts.

Depression is a serious mental health issue and its not an isolated illness problem, but a global pandemic one. In fact, you may be one of the estimated ‘300 million’ people globally who suffer its symptoms. As, this book is mainly targeted for people suffering depression and for those closest by - its main aim is all about 'taking back control' and 'initiating the soul'.

This self-help guide, Stevie not only provides a snapshot of the signs, signals and major symptoms of depression - but, also and the risk factors associated with them. He also explains some of the current modern-day treatment methods, and provides key findings from ‘162 references’ - as well as presenting the views and opinions of high-end global psychiatrists.

Some, whom had the strong opinion that 'psychiatry has gone mad'.

The second part of the book is heavily focused on self-coping’ strategies. Here, he discusses the natural therapies that are showing success in healing from depression symptoms. This includes exercise therapy, diet and nutrition therapy and a stand-alone chapter on stress awareness and how to manage it, is also provided.

In the final stage of the book, Stevie White explains the importance of recreation and meditation therapies and a stand alone chapter on relationship therapy is provided. Finally, he discusses the importance of Spirituality, and the need to harness spiritual practices - such as 'prayer', 'meditation' and 'interacting with nature'. All of which, can assist to reduce or mitigate potential adverse impacts from depression symptoms and improve interpersonal family relations.

Potential Benefits to You

·  You will learn about the disorder & its associated symptoms

·  You gain to understand your symptoms and why they’re occurring (triggers)

·  You can reduce emotional suffering and improve interpersonal relationships

·  You will understand the power behind prayer, meditation & compassion

·   You can gain more inner contentment and peace of mind

Depression - Heal Yourself Naturally

Inspiring Expert Quotes

Because many of the book references are peer-reviewed by field experts, it’s important to get a feel for what they found and have revealed. Here is a snapshot of a few of the published research study statements taken from this book; 

“There is good evidence that non-drug treatments and lifestyle changes can ease the symptoms of depression too. Depending on the severity of depression, any of them might work in place of or as an add-onto medication”. [3]
Dr. Michael Miller - Harvard Medical School U.S.A.

“That the brain’s hard-wiring can actually be reshaped by our thoughts, memories, desires, and our life experiences. In other words, your neural brain network can be strengthened by a ‘mental workout’ and when this occurs, new synapses are formed”.

Professor Rudolf Tanzi - Alzheimer’s disease expert

“A whopping 95% of serotonin in your body is manufactured in your gut, with assistance of special cells embedded in the intestinal wall - Stress, medications or poor diet may imbalance the gut, which means that it may make either too much serotonin or too little”

- Dr. Bhatia

"Talk more about your psychic pain and intensity of emotions - Talking things out, is better that acting things out"

Dr. John Gunderson - International mental health expert [1]

“There’s a need to take the associations of spirituality and health seriously”

- Dr. Carl Thoresen

Depression - Heal Yourself Naturally

   Book Purchase Options

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Paperback Book Version

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