The GOD Connection - Supernatural Intelligence

The God Connection - Supernatural Intelligence

Book Synopsis

Spiritual Self-Help author Stevie White follows on from his first ever book, ‘The God Touch - My Divine Evidence’ and explores in more depth the ‘Spirituality of God’. Why?

Aside from the fact that in the Bible, Jesus provides us with the information that ‘God is spirit’, Stevie believes that there will be multitudes of people on this planet of ours, who are in a similar position to him, in that, many are seeking to find the ‘real truth’. Some people, may refer to this, as the ‘meaning of life’ or finding our ‘true purpose’ whilst we are alive.

He spoke at some length in his first book, about how the Holy Bible has countless runs on the board, in terms of ‘fulfilled prophesies’. Yet, it doesn’t end there, as there predictive powers are quite staggering in their own right too. However, Stevie believes that it’s very important to be mindful, that we are still awaiting some of the prophecies of the Holy Bible to come to fruition and makes a point, that mankind is now in a highly significant ‘transformation’ period.

Not only, in terms of space and time, as we know it to be - but also that mankind is also experiencing one major prophesy unfolding. That being, the ‘second coming of Jesus Christ’. He dedicates a whole chapter on this very subject; so you can understand the big picture’, so to speak and explains our potential opportunity for ‘eternal life’ and ultimate residence within the ‘Kingdom of God’.

The main thrust of this book will be based upon delving much deeper into understanding the very ‘nature of God’. Stevie believes that it's crucial to consider the spirituality of God, in more depth.

Therefore, he takes the logical first step to revisit hid own philosophy of God again, and reiterates what numerous world renowned and distinguished field scholars were concluding; to, make him think this way. He argues that its becoming increasingly difficult to dismiss or simply argue away the many stunning discoveries, which in turn, have had high-end global scientists suddenly speaking of God.

Towards the latter stages of the book, he drills a bit deeper into our ‘life’s purpose’ whilst we’re alive. This includes, devoting a whole chapter towards ‘self-reflection’. Why? Because, it’s important that you take some quality time to think about your own life situation. Basically, this chapter is related to taking stock’ of your own life exercise - in order to identify where you reside at the time of reading.

Further to this, he provides simple strategies you on how ‘You’ can find your ‘real-self’ again. By this, he means your ‘spiritual-self’, as he believes we're all spiritual beings’ after all. At its very core, this book provides the answers as to  filling that ‘niggling void’ that tends to be an ever-present, festering away inside us, for most of our lives.

Stevie believes that this book will not only change your life; he strongly believes too, that it may even save your life.

Inspiring Expert Quotes

The GOD Connection - Supernatural Intelligence includes many book references that have been peer-reviewed by field experts - hence, it’s important to get a feel for what they found and revealed. Here is a snapshot of a few of the published research study statements taken from this book;

“An honest man, armed with all this knowledge available to us now, could only state that in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle, so many are the conditions which would have had to have been satisfied to get it going”.

Nobel Prize Winner - Dr. Francis Crick

"There's a superior mind working behind the universe’, and it reveals itself in the world of experience. Notably, going onto remark also, that it’s a ‘higher intelligence’ with so much superiority’, of any human being. That the way, we systematically think or act, is insignificant in comparison.

Albert Einstein -

God exists and he is an ‘omnipotent being’ (e.g. meaning that it exists everywhere) and that it’s only natural; that, it can reveal itself to us or act in other ways."

Professor Antony Flew - Oxford Scholar

"Because of the new science discoveries and its supporting evidence, I describe this force as a ‘Personal God".

Professor Arthur Schawlow - Nobel Prize winner in physics

The GOD Connection - Supernatural Intelligence

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